24 – One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Bluefish

Tonight, Robbie and Matt discuss Episode 7F11, One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Bluefish, the eleventh episode of Season Two. They talk about Homer’s fatherly advice on his last day, the newly accepted lyrics for When the Saints Go Marching In, and the pitch perfect ending.

23 – Bart Gets Hit By A Car

Tonight, Robbie and Matt discuss Episode 7F10, Bart Gets Hit By A Car, the tenth episode of Season Two. They talk about the amazing debut of Phil Hartman as Lionel Hutz, the amount of times Smithers has been portrayed as a dog, and the strange ending of an otherwise great episode.

22 – Itchy & Scratchy & Marge

Tonight, Matt and Robbie discuss Episode 7F09, Itchy & Scratchy & Marge, the ninth episode of Season Two. They talk about Marge’s skills in creating acronyms, Alex Rocco’s excellent portrayal of Roger Meyer Jr., and Maggie’s skill in wielding hammers.

21 – Bart the Daredevil

Tonight, Matt and Robbie discuss Episode 7F06, Bart the Daredevil, the eighth episode of Season Two. They talk about why Truckasaurus is awesome, how Lisa loves her brother despite herself, and why capes make everything better.

20 – Bart vs Thanksgiving

Tonight, Matt and Robbie discuss episode 7F07, Bart vs Thanksgiving, the seventh episode of the second season. They look at the prediction of Bart as a Thanksgiving parade balloon, Lisa’s stance on apartheid, and the lax screening measures at Springfield’s blood banks.

19 – Dead Putting Society

Tonight, Matt & Robbie discuss Episode 7F08, Dead Putting Society, the sixth episode of Season Two. They discuss the sound of one hand clapping, Flanders serving as a foil to Homer, and the psychological ramifications of seeing Homer mow the lawn in a dress.

18 – Dancin’ Homer (w/ Allie Goertz)

Tonight, Matt and Robbie are joined again by the talented Allie Goertz (of cossbysweater and Fire Talk With Me) to talk episode 7F05, Dancin’ Homer, the fifth episode of the second season. They discuss the expectations vs. reality of the episode, the big city snobbery of Capitol City, and the amount of times the Simpsons have been on t-shirts in The Simpsons.

17 – Two Cars In Every Garage And Three Eyes On Every Fish

Tonight, Matt and Robbie discuss Episode 7F01, Two Cars In Every Garage And Three Eyes On Every Fish, the fourth episode of Season Two. They talk about the perils of eating three-eyed fish, the influence of Citizen Kane on the episode, and why having a garbologist on staff is so important.

16 – Treehouse of Horror

Tonight, Matt and Robbie discuss Episode 7F04, Treehouse of Horror, the third episode of Season Two. They talk about the wonder of James Earl Jones, the power of Marge yelling, and prodigious amount of dust floating around in UFOs.

15 – Simpson and Delilah

Tonight, Matt and Robbie discuss Episode 7F02, Simpson and Delilah, the second episode of the Second Season. They discuss the male-on-male kiss, the significance of the Mexican Hat Dance, and the variety of Homer’s hair styles.